and Medical Device Regulation (MDR).
a requirement for home oxygen
Complete data not available.
Home oxygen fire deaths underreported.
Medical Device Directive (MDD)
installations across Europe under the
The fitting of oxygen firebreaks is
since 2012.
Complete data not available.
Home oxygen fire deaths underreported.
Firebreaks have been mandatory
Source: National Health Service
recorded in 5 years.
*Only one home oxygen fire death
introduction of the
mandatory since the
per 100,000 patients: 0.34*
Home Oxygen Service
Home oxygen fire deaths
in 2006
Firebreaks have been
Health Service
oxygen concentrators.
flow in the event of fire' in all
connectors to stop the oxygen
(WHO) recommends 'firebreak
The World Health Organization
media reports.
(VA) patients.
(firebreaks) are
fire deaths each year, which
oxygen patients
estimates based on
*Fatality figures are best
mandatory among
represents 6.6* per 100,000
all Veterans Health
Around 100 home oxygen
Thermal fuses
Firebreaks in use
Firebreaks are part-mandatory
Firebreaks are mandatory
Gas Association
*Source: Japanese Medical
firebreaks mandatory
legislation to make
per 100,000 patients: 3.3*
by 2021.
Home oxygen fire deaths
Japan is introducing